Dear Visitor,
Welcome to the homepage of the Permanent Delegation of Hungary to the OECD and UNESCO.
Our mission is to represent Hungary in the two international organizations based in Paris. Within this framework, our Delegation participates in the work of the decision-making bodies and professional committees of the OECD and UNESCO and ensures an efficient flow of information between the national institutions and the two international organizations. In addition to effective national advocacy, our goal is to play an active role in the professional work of international organizations, and through this, we support the professional foundation of national economic, educational, scientific and cultural policy decisions.
On our website, we gathered information and news about the activities of the OECD and UNESCO, as well as the Hungarian participation in the two international organizations.
If you have any further questions about the work of the OECD and UNESCO or the Permanent Delegation, we are at your kind disposal on the contact details provided on this website.
László Turóczy
Ambassador, Permanent Representative
News & Highlights
Latest News
International Diplomatic Event in Honor of the IEA Executive Director
Hungary’s Commitment to Holocaust Remembrance and Combating Antisemitism
ECHOES OF HUNGARY - Presentation of the Csárdás tradition
Official Visit of Hungarian UN Youth Delegates to UNESCO
Mohamed Aida in the UNESCO and Barça Foundation's Fit for Life Network
Rendezvous with Hungarian cinema - Hungarian Film Semmelweis Showcased at UNESCO Paris